Global Detail

If you have additional questions

Feel free to write or call us. We will try to answer all your questions related to our work

Global Detail has spent a long time putting our packages together to ensure the best results can be achieved for our clients, if you find that none of our packages suit your needs or budget then please contact us and we will be more than happy to tailor something for you.

No, correct car care will increase the life and appearance of your vehicle, meaning that you are less likely to ever have to book any body-related warranty work with the main dealer.

Traditional valeting is usually based on low cost and high volume, what OCD like to call was wash and scratch service aimed at the masses. Detailing if you like is the highest class service available to care for the cleanness and condition of your car.

Yes, all prices listed are based on mobile or drop off appointments within a reasonable distance, I am willing to travel further and happy to agree a price in advance to cover any additional expenses incurred.

My pricing structure is based on an hourly rate, plus the cost of products, insurance, and fuel. Most main dealers charge around 4 times my hourly rate, yet their work in all honesty is far less skilled than that of a detailer. however rather than charging each customer based on this calculation we have a fixed pricing structure so you know the final cost before work commencing.

NO! All of the products OCD use are from the industries leading manufacturers, these products have undergone rigorous testing before going to market.

No problem at all, a lot of the work OCD do is posted on social media, however, at the same time, our client’s discretion is taken very seriously. Just simply inform us that your booking and work carried out on your vehicle is to remain confidential and it will.

Yes, We have full public liability insurance specific to the work we undertake 

Yes, we can, just simply arrange with the dealership for us to complete the work instead of them. Some dealers will allow this work to take place on their premises and some won’t.

Not at all, the dealership will just of used PDI glaze which makes the car look great for a short period of time, or a sealant may have been applied at a greatly inflated cost to the customer.

It’s common knowledge that these are very overpriced and a great marketing ploy by the dealer. Usually, the products used by the dealer are polymer based and do not live up to the advertised standard.

By all means, at the end of the day, it is your car and you do not require permission from anyone to undertake any work, including washing. However, if you plan on follow-up maintenance washes we would honestly prefer you didn’t, and if in any doubt contact us for advice.

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